Citation |
13-20 May 1706:11 (109)
Barcelona, Octob.21. N.S. The fort of Menjuich being, by
the great courage and resolution of the Early of
Peterborough, taken on the 17th of the last month,. . . [5
lines] The Enemy had cast up a considerable intrenchment
behind it; yet seeing matters disposed of on our side
towards a general assault, they thought fit to beat a
parley; whereupon hostages were exchanged the 4th instant; .
. . [4 lines] The 13th, when the garison was to have
marched out, the burghers, who had been long exasperated by
the severities of their viceroy Don Velason, having a
jealousie that he intended to carry some of the prisoners
away with him, contrary to the capitulation, they rose up in
arms against the garison, and rung their bells, as desiring
assistance: . . . [41 lines]