Citation - Boston News Letter: 1707.01.13

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Index Entry Kettle drums, in Turin, spoils of war taken from French 
Location Turin 
6-13 Jan 1707:32 (143)
The advice we have from England is a further confirmation of
the raising the siege of Turin, and the entire defeat of the
French Army in Italy by the Imperialists . . .   7 lines] 
The enemy have also lost 158 piece of cannon, whereof 114
pieces are for batteries, 35 mortars, 40 standards and
colours, 3 pair of kettle drums, their pontons, and all the
horse of 13 regiments of dragoons.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1707.01.13 
Publisher Campbell, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1707 
Bibliography B0007094
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