Citation - Boston News Letter: 1708.12.06

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Index Entry Kettle drums, in Oudenarde, spoils of war left on field of battle 
Location Oudenarde 
29 Nov-6 Dec 1708:31 (242)
Hague, July 27.  N.S.  The Duke of Burgundy continues to
entrench himself in his camp between Ghent and Bruges, and
adds pallisadoes to his intrenchments.  We have receiv'd the
following account of the loss which the enemy sustain'd in
the late battle near Oudenarde. . . [3 lines]  There were
left in the field of battle 88 standards and colours, and
ten kittle-drums. . . [19 lines]

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1708.12.06 
Publisher Campbell, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1708 
Bibliography B0007180
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