Citation - Boston News Letter: 1711.06.25

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Index Entry Balls, in Paris, at court, without regard for the miseries around them 
Location Paris 
18-25 Jun 1711:11,12 (373)
Brussels, Jan 31.  We have reports from the frontiers of
France,. . . [5 lines]  Most of the regiments, both horse
and foot, are very weak; and as the officers are much in
arrear, and receive little or no money at present, they are
unable to raise recruits; and those that do find men so
scarce that we are assured from Paris, that the  domesticks
of several persons of quality have been taken up and forced
into the service. . . [9 lines]  In the mean time the court
of France amuse themselves with balls and other diversions,
without having any regard to the misery which reigns every
where else throughout the whole Kingdom.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1711.06.25 
Publisher Campbell, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1711 
Bibliography B0007210
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