Citation - Boston News Letter: 1713.07.20

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Index Entry Books, New Version of the Psalms of David [t] (Brady and Tate), for sale 
Location Boston 
13-20 Jul 1713:22 (483)
Just reprinted and published, a new version of the Psalms of
David.  Fitted to the tunes used in churches.  By N. Brady
D.D. Champlain in Ordinary, and N. Tate Esqr. Poet-Laureat
to the Queen's Majesty.  For the use of Her Majesty's
chappels in America.  sold by Nicholas Boone at the Sign of
the Bible in Corn-Hill, Boston.  As also two sermons  I. 
Advice from the Watch Tower, a testimony against evil
customes.  II.  A Man of his Word, a sermon on fidelity in
keeping of promises and engagements.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1713.07.20 
Publisher Campbell, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1713 
Bibliography B0007318
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