Citation - Boston News Letter: 1713.11.23

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Index Entry Drums, in Tonningen, spoils of war taken from Swedes, divided among victors 
Location Tonningen 
16-23 Nov 1713:12 (501)
Hamburgh, June 9. N.S. [3d para.:]  The standards and
colours delivered by the Swedes upon their marching out of
Tonningen have been divided into 5 parts, whereof the
Muscoviters have taken two, and the Danes and Saxons have
equally shar'd the rest.  They have observ'd the same
proportion as to the artillery, &c. so that on the 2d
instant 47 Swedish colours, 27 standards, several kittle
drums , and a great many other drums with 6 pieces of
cannon, were brought to Frederickstadt to the headquarters
of the Muscovites. . . [52 lines]

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1713.11.23 
Publisher Campbell, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1713 
Bibliography B0007336
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