Citation - Boston News Letter: 1715.09.12

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Index Entry Ball, in Windsor, given by Knights of Garter for Installation 
Location Windsor 
5-12 Sep 1715:12 (595)
Windsor, Dec. 9.  This day the most noble Charles Duke of
Belton, John Duke of Rutland; the Right Honourable Lionel
Earl of Dorset and Middlesex, one the gentlemen of the bed-
chamber to his Majesty, and the Right Honourable Charles
Earl of Halifax, first Lord Commissioner for executing the
office of treasurer of the exchequer of Great Britain, were
severally installed knights companions of the most noble
order of the garter, in the Chapel Royal of St. George,
within the Castle of Windsor, . . . [6 lines] And after all
the ceremonies in the Chapel were performed in the
accustomed manner, the sovereign's commissioners aforesaid,
and the new installed knights with their caps and feathers
on their heads, and their trains born up by the children of
the chapel (being preceded by the poor knights, prebends,
officers of arms, and officers of the order) passed down the
body of the church, up the south isle, and so out at the
great south door, from whence they marched up to the castle,
the King's Kittle-drum and trumpets beating and sounding
before them all the way to the passage leading up the great
stairs to St. George's Hall; from thence they went to the
great Guard Chamber, where there was a most splendid dinner
provided at the new knights charge for the knights
commissioners, the officers of the order and a numerous
company of the nobility and other persons of quality, who
were present on this occasion; and a table in another room
was also provided for the ladies, as others were for the
prebends and officers of arms, who attended at this
solemnity.  And in the evening the new installed knights
gave a ball and entertainment at the Castle, where there was
a great appearance of the nobility and other persons of
distinction of both sexes.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1715.09.12 
Publisher Campbell, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1715 
Bibliography B0007430
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