Citation - Boston News Letter: 1716.08.20

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Index Entry Procession, in Dublin, for arrival of Duke of Grafton, with state trumpets 
Location Dublin 
13-20 Aug 1716:21 (644)
Dublin, Novemb. 3.  The Duke of Grafton and the Earl of
Galway, Lords Justices of the Kingdom, arrived here on
Tuesday. . . [4 lines]  His Grace with two of the lords of
the council and one of the Lords Justices secretaries went
into the Archbishop of Dublin's coach, . . . were sent to
attend their excellencies, and proceeded from Ring's-End to
the castle, being attended by the state-trumpets and by a
troop of horse, the sheriffs riding on each side of the
coach. . . [12 lines]

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1716.08.20 
Publisher Campbell, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1716 
Bibliography B0007475
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