Citation - Boston News Letter: 1717.07.01

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Index Entry Ball, in London, at court, for Princess of Wales's birthday 
Location London 
24 Jun-1 Jul 1717:21 (689)
St.James's, March 1.  This being the birth day of her Royal
Highness the Princess of Wales, there was a very numerous
and splendid appearance at court of the nobility and other
persons of distinction; and at night there was a ball. 
London, March 1.  Yesterday being the anniversary of the
birth of the Princess of Wales, there was a numerous
appearance of the nobility at St. James's, to compliment her
Royal Highness on that occasion, and the same was observed
with ringing of bells and other demonstrations of joy.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1717.07.01 
Publisher Campbell, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1717 
Bibliography B0007520
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