Citation - Boston News Letter: 1717.07.08

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Index Entry Hautboys, in Newcastle, in procession, played by Town Waits, loyal tunes 
Location Newcastle 
1-8 Jul 1717:11 (690)
New Castle upon Tine, Jan. 29.  On the 22d instant in the
evening, after we had the news of King George's arrival,
Ralph Jennison, Esq; Sheriff of this county, with some other
loyal gentlemen, went to the Crown Tavern in the key side,
where they continu'd drinking his Majesty's and all other
loyal healths, till ten a clock.  From thence they went
through the town, crying, Long Live King George, the Prince
and Princess &c. with the town waits before them, playing
loyal tunes on their hautboys all the way to the Crown
without Westgate.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1717.07.08 
Publisher Campbell, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1717 
Bibliography B0007521
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