Citation - Boston News Letter: 1719.04.06

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Index Entry Drums, in Montpelier, beat to drown out singing of Protestant at gallows 
Location Montpelier 
30 Mar-6 Apr 1719:31 (781)
Montpelier, March 6.  About the beginning of January last, a
young man aged about 25 years, named Mr. Arbaud, nick nam'd
Cadet, who had been often informed against for preaching,
was surprized with some of his Protestant friends at Alais,
and forthwith carry'd prisoners to the fort.  They sung
psalms all the way, and said, they pray'd to God according
to their consciences, and particularly for the King & Regent 
[tried and convicted. . . [almost to end of col. then 16
lines up:] Next day being the 22d January Mr. Arnaud the
confessor being carry'd to Alais whither he went with
admirable zeal & constancy, express'd a great deal of joy &
impatience to suffer, mounting the ladder, embraced the
halter, and began to speak to the people, but seeing 8 drums
beat round him, which hindered the spectators from hearing,
he sang the 51 Psalm, and by his gesture, and lifting up his
eyes to heaven, and the serenity that appeared in his
countenance, he manifested that he ended his life, with such
dispositions of mind, as became a true Martyr of Jesus
Christ.  [A Jesuit who attended him said afterwards he died
like a saint and the hangman had tears in his eyes and said
he'd executed an angel.]

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1719.04.06 
Publisher Campbell, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1719 
Bibliography B0007612
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