Citation - Boston News Letter: 1719.08.10

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Index Entry Concert, in Rome, on Christmas Eve, played Pastoral [t] for cardinals 
Location Rome 
3-10 Aug 1719:12,21 (799)
Rome, Dec. 31.  On the 24th in the evening being Christmas-
eve, the Pope preceeded by 24 cardinals went to the chappel
in the palace of the Quirinal, where he began the Vespers;
after which several of the cardinals, with the Constable
Colonna and the two Princes of Bavaria went to the great
hall of that palace, to hear a pastoral performed by a
consort of the best voices and instruments that could be
procured; in the mean time a very sumptuous and splendid
collation was placed on the table; and when the supper was
over their eminences returned to the chappel, and staid till
the midnight mass was sung by Cardinal Prinli, who
officiated for Cardinal Spinola the Pope's chamberlain. . .
[24 lines]

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1719.08.10 
Publisher Campbell, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1719 
Bibliography B0007630
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