Citation - Boston News Letter: 1719.08.17

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Index Entry Ball, in Dublin, for King's birthday, put off a day 
Location Dublin 
10-17 Aug 1719:21 (800)
Dublin, May 29.  Yesterday being his Majesty's birth-day,
the nobility and gentry attended his Grace the Lord
Lieutenant in the presence chamber of the castle, where was
also a great appearance of ladies; there was a song in
honour of the day, accompanied with a consort of musick of
the best performers in the Kingdom, which was ended by a
flourish of the state trumpets, and on a signal given, there
was a triple discharge of the ordnance; after which his
Grace in his state-coach, attended by a body of horse, made
a tour on the Strand; the stewards for the feast, with the
nobility and gentry, waited on him in their coaches.  From
thence they repaired to the Tholsel to dinner, where was a
splendid entertainment provided by the stewards:  Dinner
being ended his Grace went to the play, were there was a
very great appearance; the play being over his Grace with
the ladies and the rest of the company went to the fire-
works, which with bonfires, illuminations, and ringing of
bells, concluded the day's solemnity.  His Grace designed a
ball at the castle, but considering it would be too great a
fatigue to the ladies after the fire-works, it is appointed
to be to night.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1719.08.17 
Publisher Campbell, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1719 
Bibliography B0007631
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