Citation - Boston News Letter: 1719.12.28

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Index Entry Drums, in Fontarabia, not to beat in Spanish capitulation 
Location Fontarabia 
21-28 Dec 1719:12 (819)
From the Camp before Fontarabia, June 5 at [   ] at night. 
On the 2d arrived an officer from the Marquis de B[   ] with
an account of his having taken castle Lern on the 1st, the
garrison. . . [3 lines]  Last night the half moon of
Fontarabia was attacked and carried:  this night the place
The garrison is to be conducted to Pampalona; to march out
without beat of drum or colours flying, but to be allowed
four shot a man; no covered waggons allowed tho' demanded
with much earnestness.  We expect to morrow night a
reinforcement of seven battalions, and then we shall advance
towards the Spanish army.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1719.12.28 
Publisher Campbell, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1719 
Bibliography B0007650
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