Citation - Boston News Letter: 1719.12.28

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Index Entry Actors, in Belgrade, 75 in retinue of Turkish Ambassador 
Location Belgrade 
21-28 Dec 1719:21 (819)
Vienna, June 10.  They write from Belgrade, of the 3d
instant, that on the 30th past Count Virmond arrived there,
and has continued his journey to Passarowitz, to be
exchanged with the Turkish Ambassador.  Two Imperial and two
Ottoman Regiments are already arrived near that place, the
former to conduct the ambassador of the porte hither, and
the latter to conduct Count Virmond to Nizzi, where he is to
be received with great magnificence by the new seraikiet of
that place.  'Tis said, the Turkish ambassador's retinue
consists of 864 persons, amongst whom are 75 comedians
besides 60 musicians. . . [23 lines] 

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1719.12.28 
Publisher Campbell, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1719 
Bibliography B0007650
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