Citation - Boston News Letter: 1721.06.12

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Index Entry Dancer, in Nisme, elderly, married girl of 12 
Location Nismes 
8-12 Jun 1721:21 (902)
Paris, Feb. 21.  On the 15th instant, when the King received
the compliments of the nobility, on occasion of his birth-
day, the Marquis de Villeroy communicated a letter to his
Majesty, which came from Nismes, and gave an account of a
very unequal marriage, between one John Grapingeon of 112
years of age, and a young girl named Henrietta Louisa of 12;
which was celebrated in the presence of abundance of gentry,
with great rejoycings.  The bridegroom and his brother, who
was but 4 years younger, dancing thereat with such agility,
as gained the applause of the whole company.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1721.06.12 
Publisher Campbell, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1721 
Bibliography B0007735
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