Citation - Boston News Letter: 1722.04.02

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Index Entry Psalm 110 [t], sung in Cambridge for baptism of adult 
Location Cambridge 
26 Mar-2 Apr 1722:22 (948)
Boston.  On the said Tuesday the 27th of March, R. Judah M[  
], a learned and pious Jew, and in 35th year of his age, was
publickly baptized in the College-Hall at Cambridge, by the
Revd. Mr. Appleton, pastor of the town.
Mr. Colman of Boston opened the solemnity with prayer, and
then had a discourse suitable  to the occasion from those
words of our Lord and Saviour, John V.46. . . [2 lines] 
Then Mr. [Monts] in a large discourse made a declaration of
his faith in Christ, as the true Messiah, the Eternal Son of
God, and the alone Saviour; and of his resolutions by the
help of Divine Grace, to live devoted to him all his days,
in a faithful obedience to the laws of the Gospel.  In which
discourse he also replyed to the several objections which
the Jews make against the Christian faith; as well as from
the writings of their own Rabbinate from the scriptures of
the holy prophets.
Mr. Appleton then propounded the Government of Salvation by
Christ to him, unto which he express'd his consent and said
aloud, Amen.  Whereupon the sacrament of baptism was
administer'd, and the solemnity clos'd with singing the
110th psalm and the benediction.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1722.04.02 
Publisher Campbell, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1722 
Bibliography B0007781
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