Citation - Boston News Letter: 1723.10.31

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Index Entry Ball, in Brussels, interrupted by masked man who harangued company 
Location Brussels 
24-31 Oct 1723:12 (1031)
Brussels, January 25. 1723.  The Prince Don Emanuel of
Portugal is daily diverted by balls, comedies or tragedies. 
There was a grand ball last night, when an accident happened
that spoiled all their mirth, and has furnished a world of
matter for reflection:  There appeared a man in a mask, who
addressing himself to several persons of both sexes, and of
different ranks and nations, gave to them in their own
language, an account of all their most secret adventures;
with so much exactness, both as to the facts and particular
circumstances, that every woman there believ'd him a
conjurer or a devil; the father because when he found that
he had gone a little too far in his memoirs, he vanished all
of a sudden and could not be found.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1723.10.31 
Publisher Green, B. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1723 
Bibliography B0007864
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