Citation - Boston News Letter: 1725.04.22

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Index Entry Epithalimium of Gueret [t], burned by Jesuits 
Location Thorn 
15-22 Apr 1725:21,22 (1108)
From the Post-Man, Jan. 26.  The cruel decree of Poland
against the Protestants of Thorn continued,. . . 
[Para.5:]  The Jesuits gave in particulars or pretended
damage by them suffer'd, which they offer to make oath of;
according to this specification they demand 35000 florins of
the city, tho' the whole damage does not amount to 1000
florins, and that their whole college is not worth 35000.
They burnt the Epithalimuim [nuptial song or poem] of
Gueret, the deacon of the Lutheran pastors by the hands of
the common hangman:  Nevertheless it was only a piece of
paper with an inscription and not a copy, the Jesuits not
being able to come at one. . . [4 paras.]

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1725.04.22 
Publisher Green, B. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1725 
Bibliography B0007941
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