Citation - Boston News Letter: 1725.10.29

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Index Entry Kettle drums, in Peterbourogh, beat for announcement of marriage of princess 
Location Peterbourogh 
21-29 Oct 1725:11 (1135)
Peterbourogh.  May 29.  The fleet and gallies which are
taken on board 12000 land forces will be ready for sailing
next week.  'tis talk'd that they are to be join'd by nine
Swedish men of war, and 6000 men.  This day public notice
was given in every street of this city by beat of kettle
drums and sound of trumpets, that the solemnity of the
marriage of the Princess Anna Petrowna, with his Highness
the Duke of Holstein, will be perform'd on the 1st of the
next month.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1725.10.29 
Publisher Green, B. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1725 
Bibliography B0007968
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