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6-13 Jan 1726:11,12 (1146)
Hanover, (in Germany,) July 31. The King of Prussia arrived
at Herrenhausen upon the 27th, about eight in the evening.
when his Majesty pass'd by this place, he was saluted with a
triple discharge of our artillery. It is impossible to
express the tenderness with which that Prince was receiv'd
by the King of Great Britain our Sovereign. Assemblies are
holden every night in the Great Hall at Herrenhausen;
whither resort all the foreign ministers and other persons
of distinction. Last night his Britannick Majesty gave the
King of Prussia the diversion of a French comedy in our
castle. Prince Frederick came about seven o'clock. Some
minutes after, came the coach wherein sat his Britannick
Majesty, with the King of Prussia on his right hand: then
24 life-guards, with the officers at their head, preceded by
a trumpet: Next the coach of state empty, which was
design'd for the King of Prussia; followed by 3 other
coaches, wherein were the principal ministers of the Crown.
All these coaches were drawn by 6 horses each, beside a
great number with 2 horses. When the play was done, their
Majesties return'd almost in the same manner to
Herrenhausen. Most of the houses in the streets thro' which
they pass'd were illuminated. The Bishop of Osnabrug
arrived last night in the Castle of Herense; for which place
his Prussian Majesty will set out to morrow or the next day,
to review the troops he has at Minden, and in the Dutchies
of Gelderland and Cleves; after which his Majesty will
return hither. Count Staremberg, the Emperor's ambassador,
is expected here this evening, or to-morrow at farthest.