Citation - Boston News Letter: 1726.09.08

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Index Entry Balls, in Venice, pickpockets active at 
Location Venice 
1-8 Sep 1726:12 (1180)
Venice, (in Italy,) March 9.  The magistrates being inform'd
that there were several pickpockets among the masqueraders
of distinction, immediately gave such good orders, that in
twenty-four hours after fifty were apprehended who
frequented the balls and gaming tables, where whatever
plate, jewels, and purses they could lay their hands on
stuck to their fingers like bord lime.  We are assured that
at gaming alone they pocketted above 150000 crowns, not to
mention several tricks of another kind.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1726.09.08 
Publisher Green, B. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1726 
Bibliography B0008013
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