Citation - Boston News Letter: 1730.03.12

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Index Entry Concert, in Paris, Interlude for birth of Dauphin, rain damaged instruments 
Location Paris 
5-12 Mar 1730:12 (167)
From the Daily Post Boy.  Octob. 6.  Paris, Octob. 12.  The
Interlude which the King gave the 5th, began at seven in the
evening.  The perspective represented Mount Parnassus, whose
windings and turnings were made by decorations raised or
sunk more or less and the whole was lighted by pots of fire
placed behind.  Apollo was there, surrounded by the muses;
France presenting the Dauphin acompany'd by cupids who held
his attributes:  The horse Pegasus, carrying the news of the
birth; Homer Horace and Virgil upon the brow of the hill;
four gilt palm trees, to each of which hung 14 lustres, that
lighted the theatre, every side of which was set off with a
pyramid of branches.  Over each cross-way upon the ground
floor and the first story was a lustre, and the sides were
illuminated by branches[.]  The Queen not having been
churched, could not be there; and the rain beat through the
cloths, and did some damage to the instruments.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1730.03.12 
Publisher Green, B. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1730 
Bibliography B0008188
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