Citation - Boston News Letter: 1731.09.16

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Index Entry Bell ringers, in Bayeux, killed by lightning 
Location Bayeux 
9-16 Sep 1731:21 (1442)
Paris, June 18.  From Bayeux in Normandie we are advised,
that they had there such dreadful thunder and lightning for
two days successively, that the like has not been known in
the memory of man; that the thunder fell in several places,
and among the rest, upon the tower of their cathedral, where
it killed two of the ringers:  Afterwards it fell upon the
nunnery there, and killed above half the nuns. . . [4 lines]

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1731.09.16 
Publisher Green, B. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1731 
Bibliography B0008266
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