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29 Jun-6 Jul 1732:11,12 (1484)
London, Feb. 19. On Monday were rehearsed at St. Paul's for
the Festival of the Sons of the Clergy. Mr. Handel's Te
Deum and Jubilate, compos'd for the publick thanksgiving for
the Peace of Utrecht, together with the two anthems made by
him, one for his late Majesty and the other for his present
Majesty on their coronations. As they are esteemed by good
judges some of the grandest compositions in church musick,
and were performed by a much greater number of voices and
instruments than has ever yet been on the like occasion; so
there was a nobler audience, and a more generous
contribution to the charity, than has been known; the
collection amounting to 250 l. 5 s. which is above 47 l.
more than was given last year, although that was near double
what had been collected in any former year.
It is to be observ'd, that there was such a generous spirit
in every body to promote this charity; that the performers
gave their attendance gratis.
On Thursday was held the annual feast of the Sons of the
Clergy, when the musick above mentioned was performed before
a numerous and splendid audience, at St. Paul's Cathedral;
and the Rev. Dr. Warren preached an excellent sermon.
Afterwards they returned to merchant Taylor's hall to
dinner. A very handsome collection was made, which, with
those made at the rehearsal and at the church doors the same
day amounted to the sum of 830 l.