Citation - Boston News Letter: 1734.05.23

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Index Entry Psalm 113 [t], sung in Windham Village, for ordination of Samuel Moseley 
Location Windham Villge 
16-23 May 1734:21 (1581)
Windham Village, May 25, 1734.  This day was ordained to the
pastoral office in this place, the Rev. Mr. Samuel Moseley. 
The Rev. Mr. Bowman of Dorchester, opened the solemnity with
prayer . . . [5 lines] Then the Rev. Mr. Hale of Assford
pray'd:  The Rev. Mr. Williams of Pomfret gave the right
hand of fellowship; the latter part of the 113th Psalm was
sung, and the assembly were dismiss'd with the usual
benediction.  There was a vast concourse of people on this

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1734.05.23 
Publisher Draper, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1734 
Bibliography B0008405
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