Citation |
30 May-6 Jun 1734:21 (1583)
From the Bee, or Universal Weekly Pamphlet, March 30, 1734,
we have the following advices, viz. . . ---That the
rejoycings on account of the celebration of the nuptials of
the Prince of Orange with the Princess Royal of England,
have not been confined to England alone; at Rotterdam,
Amsterdam, and the Hague, several persons of distinction, as
well merchants and tradesmen, each in their several spheres,
have distinguished themselves upon this occasion.
Illuminations, musick dancing and fire works filled every
street, while the people cried, long live and flourish the
illustrious house of Nassau, from whence have sprung so many
glorious heroes, the scourges of tyrants, and the great
assertors of our liberties.---