Citation - Boston News Letter: 1736.09.02

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Index Entry Fiddle, played by runaway Negro named Lamberth 
Location Boston 
26 Aug-2 Sep 1736:22 (1696)
Whereas a Negro man named Lamberth frequently absents
himself from his master's service, and is encouraged by some
persons to play on a fiddle, to bore holes in the sides of
ships, or saw wood for a small sum; &c. without the
knowledge or consent of his said master, and is now absent: 
This is therefore to give notice to all persons not to
employ the said servant without his master's knowledge, nor
harbour and conceal him, as they would avoid the penalty of
the law in that case, made and provided.
N.B.  The said fellow is tall, and well set, wears a great
blue coat, speckled jacket and trowsers.  Whoever apprehends
him and will bring him to Mr. Benjamin Hollowell, ship
carpenter, or to Mr. William Cario, Jeweler in Summer-
street, shall be well rewarded.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1736.09.02 
Publisher Draper, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1736 
Bibliography B0008524
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