Citation - Boston News Letter: 1737.10.13

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Index Entry Psalms, Hopkin's version, bound into large bible stolen from John Compton 
Location London 
6-13 Oct 1737:22 (1752)
Whereas some evil minded person came yesterday into the
house of Capt. John Compton at the North End of Boston, and
took from thence, a large folio Bible with the Book of
Common Prayer, the Apocrypha, Sternhold and Hopkins Version
of Psalms in it bound with red leather, the clasps broke
off.  Whoever will disclose the said person, so as the owner
may have his Bible again shall be well rewarded; and if the
said person does not forthwith return the said Bible, he
must expect to be prosecuted according to law.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1737.10.13 
Publisher Draper, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1737 
Bibliography B0008582
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