Citation - Boston News Letter: 1737.10.20

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Index Entry Trumpeter, in Nissa, sent to Bashaw to demand surrender 
Location Nissa 
13-20 Oct 1737:12 (1753)
They write from Vienna of th 3d instant.  That day before
came advice by an express, that the Veldt-Marshal Count
Philippi, with a detachment of Count Seckendorff's army
consisting of six regiments of horse, 55 hussars, 2000
grenadiers and six field pieces, being advanced to Nissa,
set a trumpet to the bashaw commanding in the place, to
summon him to surrender without delay. . . [26 lines]

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1737.10.20 
Publisher Draper, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1737 
Bibliography B0008583
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