Citation - Boston News Letter: 1738.03.09

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Index Entry Bell, in Glasgow, morning, regulates daily routine at work house 
Location Glasgow 
2-9 Mar 1738:31,32 (1772)
The remainder of what was begun in our last relating to the
work house or hospital in Glasgow. VI.  That all persons in
health, both young and old shall be out of their bed at the
ringing of the morning-bell, which shall be rung in the
months of January and February at seven a clock, in March at
six, from the first of April to the end of August at five,
in September at six, in October at seven, in November and
December at eight, and all go to bed, from the first of
March to the end of September at ten a clock at night; and
from the first of October to the end of February at nine. 
And the doors shall be locked at ten a clock every night.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1738.03.09 
Publisher Draper, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1738 
Bibliography B0008603
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