Citation - Boston News Letter: 1742.05.13

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Index Entry Bells, in Muyden, rung for alarm on discovering French engineer-spies 
Location Muyden 
6-13 May 1742:11 (1990)
London, March 4. 1742.  Extract of a letter dated at the
Hague, March 2.
Some French engineers being employed in taking a plan of the
town of Muyden, within five miles of Amsterdam, were
discovered by some peasants who immediately rung the alarm
bell, which forc'd them to retreat: -- The confusion however
occasion'd by this accident was so great, that the States
General thought fit to send several detachments both of
horse and foot guards to prevent the band consequences that
might have followed thereupon.  It is impossible to express
the sudden change of affairs here, and how desirous the
people are of shewing their aversion to the designs of a
certain court.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1742.05.13 
Publisher Draper, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1742 
Bibliography B0008807
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