Citation - Boston News Letter: 1743.05.19

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Index Entry Lyric, elegy [beg] Pardon, old friend, if at thy death 
Location Boston 
19 May 1743:12,21 (2042)
London, March 12. They write from Paris, that tho'  the
death of Cardinal de Fleury was regretted by all good
Frenchmen, several smart verses were handed about,
reflecting upon his memory. . . 
  On hearing the death of Cardinal Fleury confirm'd, an old
and great friend of his thus cry'd in rapture:
  Pardon, old friend, if at thy death 
  A sudden joy prevails;
  'Tis not that you've resign'd your breath,
  But that you can't tell tales.
. . . [7 lines]

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1743.05.19 
Publisher Draper, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1743 
Bibliography B0008860
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