Citation - Boston News Letter: 1747.09.24

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Index Entry Deblois, Gilbert & Lewis, sells violin bows, Roman strings 
Location Boston 
24 Sep 1747:22 (2371)
To be sold, by Gilbert and Lewis Deblois, at the sign of the
Crown and Comb in Queen-street, Boston, by wholesale or
A large assortment of London, Sheffield, and Birmingham
cutlers ware, English sole leather, starch, black pepper,
bohea tea,and loaf sugar, the best Roman violin-strings,
bows &c.  Mens and women's horse-whips, cotton romalls,
worsted caps, crewills, tapes, treads, &c. all at reasonable
prices for ready money.
N.B.  Said Deblois's gives money for old pewter, brass, and

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1747.09.24 
Publisher Draper, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1747 
Bibliography B0009086
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