Citation - Boston News Letter: 1749.09.28

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Index Entry Barnard, Joseph, owner of runaway Negro named Prince who plays violin 
Location Deerfield 
28 Sep 1749:22 (2474)
Ran away from his master, Joseph Barnard of Deerfield a
Negro man named Prince, of middling stature, his complection
not the darkest or lightest for a Negro, slow of speech, but
speaks good English; He had with him when he went away, an
old brown coat, with pewter buttons, a double-breasted blue
coat with a cape, and flat metal buttons, a brown great coat
with red cuffs and cape, a new brown jacket with pewter
buttons, a pair of new leather breeches, check'd linnen
shirt and trousers, tow shirt and trousers, a red cap, two
castor hats, several pair of stockings, a pair of pumps, a
gun and violin.  Whoever shall apprehend said fellow and
convey him to his master, shall have ten pounds old tenor,
and all necessary charges paid by
[signed] Joseph Barnard

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1749.09.28 
Publisher Draper, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1749 
Bibliography B0009175
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