Citation - Boston News Letter: 1752.05.28

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Index Entry Music, in London, vocal and instrumental, at charity service at St Andrews 
Location London 
28 May 1752:12 (2605)
London, March 6, 1752.  Yesterday his Grace the Duke of
Marlborough, President, and the rest of the governours of
the Small-Pox Hospital, went to St Andrew's Church in
Holborn, were an excellent sermon was preached by the Right
Rev. Father in God, Isaac Lord Bishop of Worcester, from
these words, Bring the poor that are cast on to thy house,
Isaiah lviii, v. 7. . .   His Lordship in the first part of
his discussion answered, . . . [11 lines] and concluded with
an ernest exhortation, to excite all ranks of people to
promote, according to their abilities, so beneficial a
charity.  There was a band of vocal and instrumental musick
by the first performers to accompany the service at church,
which was filled with nobility and gentry, and where a
handsome collection was made.  Some time after divine
service, which began before twelve, and ended before two,
the president and governors went to Draper's-hall in
Throgmorton-street, where the anniversary feast was held,
and were attended by a very numerous company of the
nobility, gentlemen, and merchants, by whose generosity the
collection in the whole amounted to 809 L. including what
was collected at St. Andrew's Church. 

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1752.05.28 
Publisher Draper, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1752 
Bibliography B0009286
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