Citation - Boston News Letter: 1754.09.26

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Index Entry Great leader of our martial band [fl] 
Location Boston 
26 Sep 1754:21,22,23 (2725)
[Translation of Latin ode to Shirley in last paper]
William Shirley, Esq; Governor of the Province of the
Masachusetts, &c. On his return from a treaty with the
Eastern Indians at Falmouth, 1754.
  Great leader of our martial band,
  While war & tumult round us reign'd,
  Late on Accadia's shore;
  Your triumphs quell'd our hostile foes;
  Raz'd their proud towers; and our repose
  In peace, sprung from your power;
. . . [13 more 6-line verses, signed:] Philo Muses.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1754.09.26 
Publisher Draper, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1754 
Bibliography B0009401
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