Citation - Boston News Letter: 1755.08.14

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Index Entry Psalms, sung in Albany, by New England provincial troops 
Location Albany 
14 Aug 1755:31 (2771)
Part of a letter from New-York, dated July 27. 1755.  "In
all military matters, it seems to belong to the New-England
provinces, to set a proper example--all agree that you are
better able to plan and execute than any other of the
British Colonies--We put no confidence in any other troops
but yours, and it is generally lamented, that the British
veterans were not put into garrison, and New-England
regulars sent to the Ohio. . . --they have five chaplains,
and maintain the best order in the camp--Public prayer,
psalm singing, and martial exercises, engrossed their whole
time at Albany.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1755.08.14 
Publisher Draper, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1755 
Bibliography B0009441
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