Citation - Boston News Letter: 1756.05.13

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Index Entry Bass viol, in Microcosm, or the World in Miniature, played by clockwork 
Location Boston 
13 May 1756:22 (2810)
Boston, May 13. 1756.  To be seen (for a short time) at the
house of Mr. William Fletcher, Merchant, New-Boston;  that
elaborate and matchless pile of art, called The Microcosm,
or, the World in Miniature.
Built in the form of a Roman temple, after twenty-two years
close study and application, by the late ingenious Mr. Henry
Bridges, of London;  who, having received the approbation
and applause of the Royal Society, &c. afterwards made
considerable additions and improvements;
. . .  [4 lines, + 3 paras.:]
II.  Are the nine muses playing in concert on divers musical
instruments, as the harp, hautboy, bass viol, &c.
III.  Is Orpheus in the forest, playing on his lyre, and
beating exact time to each tune; who, by his exquisite
harmony, charms even the wild beasts. . . [3 paras.]
VII.  And lastly, is shewn the whole machine in motion, when
upwards of twelve hundred wheels and pinnions are in motion
at once; and during the whole performance it plays several
fine pieces of music on the organ and other instruments,
both single and in concert, in a very elegant manner, &c. .
. [3 more paras.]

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1756.05.13 
Publisher Draper, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1756 
Bibliography B0009471
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