Citation - Boston News Letter: 1757.07.14

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Index Entry Opera, Samson [t], performance interrupted by hurricane 
Location Havre de Grace 
14 Jul 1757:12 (2871)
Paris, April 9.  Last Friday great damage was done in this
city and its neighbourhood by a most violent hurricane,
which 'tis fear'd was general throughout the Kingdom:  The
Playhouse at Havre-de-Grace was blown down at the time they
were representing the opera of Samson, and upwards of 100
persons were buried in the ruins, which being set on fire by
the candles and lamps, the whole was consumed; but, happily,
the flames were not communicated to any other building; had
it so happen'd, the whole town would probably have been
destroy'd,  as it consists chiefly of wooden houses.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1757.07.14 
Publisher Draper, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1757 
Bibliography B0009531
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