Citation - Boston News Letter: 1757.11.24

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Index Entry Bell, in France, to toll to call soldiers to defense posts on coast 
Location France 
18-24 Nov 1757:21 (2890)
Paris (the capital city in France,) September 12.  While the
English were getting ready their formidable armament at
Portsmouth, we took measures on our coasts to disappoint
them . . .----The Palmier and Warwick are returned into the
harbour; new batteries defend the places that appear most
accessible:  They have likewise bomb-ketches and fire-ships
ready for service as occasion may require: . . . and all
things are so disposed, that at the first tolling of the
bell, every one may speedily, and without the least
confusion, repair to his post.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1757.11.24 
Publisher Draper, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1757 
Bibliography B0009548
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