Citation - Boston News Letter: 1760.03.21

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Index Entry Books, Grounds and Rules of Music Explained [t] (Walter), for sale 
Location Boston 
21 Mar 1760:42 (2064)
Walter's Singing-Book.  This day published, (Recommended by
several ministers.)
The Grounds and Rules of Musick explained:  or, an
introduction to the art of singing by note.  By Thomas
Walter, M.A.  With eight tunes more than usual.
Printed and sold by Benjamin Mecom, at the New-Printing
Office, near the Town-House.
"The art of singing (says Dr. Watts ) is a most charming
gift of the God of Nature, and designed for the solace of
our sorrows, and the improvements of our joys. -- Those
young persons who are blest with a musical ear and voice,
should have some instruction bestowed on them, that they may
acquire this delightful skill.  If the voice be happily
capable of this art, it is preferable to all instruments
formed and composed by man:  This is an organ formed and
tuned by God himself.  it is most easily kept in exercise,
the skill is retained longest, and the pleasure transcends
all the rest.--Happy the youth who has a bright and
harmonious constitution, with a pious turn of soul, a
chearful spirit, and a relish of sacred melody.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1760.03.21 
Publisher Draper, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1760 
Bibliography B0009664
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