Citation |
8 Jan 1761:11 (2949)
Boston. On Thursday last, in consequence of an appointment
from his Excellency the Governor, with the advice of
Council, publick notice was taken of the death of his late
Majesty King George the Second. At eight o'clock in the
morning, all the bells in town began to toll, and continued
tolling till eleven, at which time his Excellency, with the
members of his Majesty's council, the honourable House of
Representatives, the officers civil and military, and a
numerous train of other gentlemen, in deep mourning, went in
procession from the council chamber to the old brick meeting
house . . . [13 lines] In the afternoon the bells of the
town began tolling again, and at three o'clock, his
Excellency . . . went in procession to King's Chapel . . .