Citation - Boston News Letter: 1761.07.02

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Index Entry Negro, runaway named Peter, plays violin 
Location Falmouth 
2 Jul 1761:23 (2974)
Ran-away on the 28th day of June 1761, from his master
Ephraim Swift, of Falmouth in the County of Barnstable, a
Negro man servant named Peter, about 27 or 28 years old,
speaks good English:  had on when he went away a beaveret
hat, a green worsted cap, a close bodied coat mill coloured,
with a green narrow frize cape, a great-coat, a black and
white homespun jacket, a flannel-check'd shirt, grey yarn
stockings; also a flannel jacket, and a bundle of other
cloaths and a violin.  He is a very tall fellow.
Whoever shall apprehend the said Negro fellow, and commit
him to any of his Majesty's goals, or secure him so as that
his master may have him again, shall have five dollars
reward, and all necessary charges paid.  Ephraim Swift.
All masters of vessels and others are cautioned not to carry
off or conceal the said Negro, as they would avoid the
penalty of the law.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1761.07.02 
Publisher Draper, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1761 
Bibliography B0009731
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