Citation |
6 May 1762:12,21,22 (3019)
Articles of capitulation, for the Island of Martinico. . .
Article I. All the forts and posts of the Island of
Martinico shall be evacuated by his Most Christian Majesty's
troops, whether regulars or militia: They shall march out
with four field-pieces, their arms, two charges each, drums
beating, colours flying, and all the honours of war; after
which his Britannic Majesty's troops shall take possession
of the same forts and posts.
Answer. The troops and inhabitants shall march out of the
garrisons and posts, with their arms, drums beating, and
colours flying; four pieces of cannon, with two charges to
each, and two charges per man shall be allowed to the
troops, provided that the inhabitants immediately after lay
down their arms, and that all the forts, garrisons, posts,
and batteries of cannon or mortars, with all the arms,
ammunition and utensils of war, shall be delivered to
persons appointed to receive the same. . .