Citation - Boston News Letter: 1762.08.26

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Index Entry Drummer, in Miranda, of Regiment of Braganza, survived 
Location Portugal 
26 Aug 1762:31 (3035)
Advices from Portugal.  Paris, May 28.  They found in
Miranda, exclusive of the staff officers of the place,
twenty other officers, fifteen serjeants, one drummer, and
324 soldiers of the regiment of Braganza, together with two
troopers . . . The other officers and soldiers on guard were
almost all buried in the ruins of the magazine, and it is
computed that 500 persons perished there, including the
inhabitants. . . [1 para.]

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1762.08.26 
Publisher Draper, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1762 
Bibliography B0009792
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