Citation - Boston News Letter: 1762.09.30

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Index Entry Chapman, Samuel, owner of runaway Negro named Newport who plays violin 
Location Tolland 
30 Sep 1762:43 (3040)
Run-away from his master Capt Samuel Chapman of Tolland, a
Negro man servant named Newport, about 35 years of age, of
middling stature, pretty well set, of a swarthy complexion,
has a scar on one of his ankles and on one of his wrists,
has had the top of one of his fingers shot to pieces, had a
bad cut on his little finger of his left hand; he speaks
good English, can play on a violin; he had on a brown
camblet coat with a velvet cape, jet glass buttons, yellow
lining, a pair of green plush breeches, one linnen and one
woolen check'd shirt, a pair of blue yarn stockings, a pair
of black worsted ditto; an old pair of pumps, a castor hat,
a silk cap.
Whoever shall take up said Negro, and return him or secure
him so that I may have him again, shall have five dollars
reward, and necessary charges paid by me.
[signed] Samuel Chapman.
All masters of vessels and others are forbid harbouring or
carrying off said Negro.  Sept. 6. 1762.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1762.09.30 
Publisher Draper, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1762 
Bibliography B0009797
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