Citation - Boston News Letter: 1763.05.05

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Index Entry Deblois, George, sells flutes, violins, bows, strings, books 
Location Salem 
5 May 1763:12 (3098)
Just imported in the last ships from London and Bristol, and
to be sold at lowest rates for cash, by Stephen Deblois,
Junir (at his shop at the sign of the Golden Eagle, Dock-
Square, Boston; as also by George Deblois, at his shop in
Salem; ) A fresh assortment of goods, among which are the
following articles, viz. . . [2 1/2 cols., 14 lines up from
bottom of 2d]  violins and bows, fresh strings, German &
English flutes, music-books:--fine assortment of shoe-
qualities, broad findings, garterings, silk knee-straps,
tapes .. 

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1763.05.05 
Publisher Draper, Richard and Samuel 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1763 
Bibliography B0009828
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