Citation |
22 Sep 1763:32,33 (3118)
From the London Gazette.Published by Authority. court at
St. James's, June 1. 1763.
Whereas by an act made in the last session of Parliament,
intituled, "An act for further improvement of his Majesty's
revenue of Customs; and for the encouragement of officers
making seizures; and for the prevention of the clandestine
running of goods into any part of his Majesty's dominions,"
it is amongst other things, enacted, that for the more
effectual prevention of the infamous practice of smuggling,
and for the better encouragement of the officers and seamen
of all such ships and vessels of war belonging to his
Majesty; his heirs, and successors, who may be employed in
preventing the clandestine running of goods on the coasts of
Great Britain and Ireland, and of the other dominions and
colonies belonging to the crown of Great Britain, one moiety
of the nett produce arising by the sale of smuggling vessels
and prohibited goods, which shall be seized after the first
day of May, 1763, and condemned & sold according to law,
(the charges whereof being first deducted) shall be vested
in the said officers and seamen; and his Majesty is thereby
empowered to cause the same to be divided amongst the said
officers and seamen, in such proportions, and in such
manner, as his Majesty, his heirs, and successors, shall
think fit to order and direct, by any orders of Council, or
by any proclamation,. . . to order, direct, and appoint,
that the moitety of seizures, granted by the said act to the
officers and seamen as aforesaid, be divided in the
following proportions; videlicet.
1st, With regard to seizures made by the officers and men
of ships and sloops of war. . . [6 lines] to the
lieutenants, ensigns,. . . boatswain,. . . one eighth part,
to be equally divided among them;. . . [6 lines] To the
trumpeters, quarter gunners, carpenters crew,. . . swabber,
ordinary trumpeter, barber, able seamen,. . . two eighth
parts, to be equally divided among them.
3d. With regard to seizures made by ships or sloops of war
in conjunction with cutters. . . [2d para., line 9]And in
case any sea captain, inferiour commission or warrant sea
officers belonging to any such ship or vessel, for whom any
shares of seizures are hereby allowed, be absent at the time
of making such seizure, the share of such sea captain,
inferiour commission, or warrant sear officer, shall be cast
into the shares hereby allowed to the trumpeters, quarter
gunners, carpenter's crew. . . ordinary trumpeter, barber,
able seamen,. . . and all other persons doing duty or
assisting on board any such ship or vessel, to be equally
divided amongst them. . .