Citation - Boston News Letter: 1764.08.16

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Index Entry Bells, in London, rung for King's birthday and pardon of criminal 
Location London 
16 Aug 1764:31 (3156) 
London, June 9.  A gentleman (perhaps rather too jocosely)
observing to Capt. Sampson on Monday last (the day of his
respite) that the bells were ringing for his delivery, the
unfortunate young gentleman very pertinently returned, 'If
their ringing on my birth-day will be a proof of their
ringing on my account, they may, indeed, be then said to
ring for me; for his Majesty's birth-day will henceforward
be mine.  My King has this day most graciously give me life,
and from this day only can I dante the hour of my birth; and
from this era, I trust, no act of mine will disgrace so
merciful a father.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1764.08.16 
Publisher Draper, Richard and Samuel 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1764 
Bibliography B0009895
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